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Common Law Assent

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Mel Diamond
For our pricing plan website subscribers. You are our bread and butter. Thank you.

V.I.P AccessAllAreas

Hi all, new member here 🙂. Thanks for having me. I have my oath pack, but I'm rubbish at this - is there anyone off the list of barons I should send it to? Or just any of them? I want to get to grips with it all but find it confusing. TIA.

Nov 13, 2023

I recived my oath, me to confushed, could do with help, of instructions to fill, please help 🙏

An excerpt from the Layman's Guide to Lawful Dissent CLA abbreviated version 👍

Many of us are concerned that there are no courts of law in Britain/England or the Commonwealth during these terrifying, totalitarian times. For years, the corporate machine has marched on, which is why we, the people, must band together under common law to protect it and our and future generations' rights. Since the enactment of Article 61, we have all been obligated to defend our country. All that is required is the formation of a court of law within a well-known court of law that strictly adheres to the Common Law Constitution. A jury trial in the treason case(s) would also benefit from the witness of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of silent witnesses. As stated in Magna Carta 1215, Article 61, gaining numbers is part of taking the pledge of loyalty and compelling others to…

Another concept deliberately altered by imposters within Westminster is the notion that we vote governments into 'power,' when in fact we only vote them into a position of 'SERVICE' to the people under constitutional law, which is the only true law that exists, is based on the 10 commandments, and adheres to our ancient customs. ALL other rules MUST be in accordance with the 'Rule of Law,' which is, of course, that no one is above the law (Constitution -the will and laws of the people).

These quotes are from the Layman's Guide to Lawful Dissent by David Robinson, which we have been abbreviating, updating and editing for a while now.

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