Hi Everyone, my name is Danielle. Welcome to CLA!!
We have created this website as a means to discuss the English common law and constitution, and the invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta 1215, which was evidently invoked in the Houses of Parliament in 2001 after the monarch was petitioned by the quorum needed constitutionally. I have been under oath since March 2015, to one of the Lords whom invoked Article 61 MC1215, you can witness my oath, I will be uploading it.
I have case files which you can witness, as a legal application of this law, which could be of interest to you. The legal application was done with the help of David Robinson who started Practical Lawful Dissent. I was a member of the PLD team for six years. I understand the process that is used through my own experience of it, as I helped to initiate the with my case files, it could be said that my paperwork helped create some precedent using Article 61.... you decide!
You can witness the paperwork, as it is featured in the laymans guides to lawful dissent, two out of three of the examples used feature myself. My PDF scanned copies of some of the case files can be found at
With our new and refreshed Common Law Assent, we went for a fresh modern image, and incorporated our own approach to the campaign from our company/team.
We decided that standing under the common law right now can be deemed as a positive yes to our inalienable rights, which in law is termed as giving your assent. We give assent to common law rights, by working at raising awareness of them, so this is the peoples assent to the common law or simply the peoples assent!
Since I work under my oath to the Barons committee, to my understanding, its simply my duty to compel others to stand under their unalienable rights, right now. I think these facts are a lot simpler than what others might have us believe. We go out canvassing regularly and research as much as we can on this topic to share with others, in order for our assent to the common laws of England, we look at history, and we present work created by people who have studies this as well as actively working at compelling others to stand under the law, our law, our rights.
We are very happy to now be hosting a website as having an online community with this special focus has been lots of fun.
Common Law is very simple.
If you would like to support this campaign and our creations please consider pledging to our Patreon at I am sure we have plenty more we can continue to work at. Thank you and all the best. We hope you enjoy this space.