Welcome to our online platform. Our goal is to unite people while upholding Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215, which protects our Sovereignty and birth rights. We primarily communicate our message through social media and community engagement which allows a large outreach, although on our core website here we are able to bypass online big tech censorship which seeks to minimise voices which go against the mainstream.
We also take physical action to connect with people face to face through leafleting and canvassing, which you can observe through our pages. We also provide tools such as literature and campaign packs in our online store for those interested in getting involved. We now have over 70,000 members in our various online groups, and we are constantly growing and getting our message of hope out to as many people as possible all over the globe.
We encourage others to take an Oath of Allegiance to demonstrate their commitment to following Constitutional Law, and to protect us from potential threats to own rights as per Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215. We are under Oath to the Baron's committee who invoked it, and you can also read up on this subject in great depth within the pages of our website.
Our website also includes powerful template and a guide to standing with us in defending your Sovereignty and your birth rights. This is accessed via the 'Templates' tab on this site. These will seek to help you begin your journey and we are sure you may have further questions, which we will be more than happy to discuss with you.
As a community, we greatly appreciate your interest and support. Your contributions, whether through pledging or registering for a tier on our patreon supporter’s hub, are invaluable in helping us provide free resources. Every campaign needs fuel to power ahead, and donations are put to use in helping to print large batches of leaflets, to cover campaigning costs and other things such as web hosting and advertising.
As well as helping to support our pushback, you will also unlock as part of your membership a treasure trove of resources, personal content, videos from 'on the road' and many more. You can also receive a free Oath set as part of the Sovereign level.
As part of this site, we also host a campaign shop due to popular demand, where you can check out our campaign tools and other exciting gifts and products. Any proceeds go towards bolstering our campaign!
We welcome you to join us on our journey, where you can grow your knowledge and be part of a thriving community making a positive impact. Let us stand together and make a difference.