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Common Law Assent

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Copied and pasted comment from my page, which is

Rights are narrow, circumscribed things that are granted by others on the basis that they can equally be withdrawn. Freedom is universal and inalienable. By the way - never "freedoms", which also implies some limitation and narrow range of things you are permitted. We are free to do as we will, go where we will, say as we will, save only for those things that by assent we proscribe - murder, rape, theft, assault. Save for those things we ourselves agree are bad and must not do, we can do as we will. This goes all the way back to Anglo-Saxon times, equity and the common law. The tsunami of must-nots that has risen over recent decades speaks of totalitarianism, for sure, but also of Romanism as reflected in Roman Law, the Napoleonic Code and other civil and criminal codified jurisdictions across Europe, where you are granted rights which set the extent of what you are allowed to do and anything else is automatically not permitted. That is by any standard living in an open prison. The English system of common law is far superior and totally at odds with the European system. People misunderstand because they have been mis-sold "I know my rights", well, guess what? They've been had.

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