Seen GB news cash campaign. Sadly it just seems like appeasement.. keep cash till 2050.
This is not right, it needs to be kept for all time.
Seen GB news cash campaign. Sadly it just seems like appeasement.. keep cash till 2050.
This is not right, it needs to be kept for all time.
Hello everyone and welcome to this space in Wix. It's early days but we are continuing to build up this community.
I think one of the best things is that nothing can be censored here, and we don't have to be as careful about what we say or post.
It's not really going to be a success unless you can help us however! If are a long-standing fan we are counting on your input and participation to drive things forward here.
Thank you for joining us on the next part of our journey.
See the link below down ⏬️ collectors items fliers
These leaflets have been sent up and down the country and even over the world, thanks to your support and involvement. Thank you for your continued support 💜
They are appealing to the governments authority. They give authority to the imposters in Westminster. These shills use double think.